Projects ZX Dandanator! Mini Downloads
•Rom Generator v10.4.3 - Jar File - Executable (requires JRE8 or higher) - Upgrade your dandanator firmware by booting the speccy with both cart buttons pressed.
•Multiply - All source/binary files and manuals @GitHub
•Rom Generator - Source Code - Java @ GitHub
•SCR Screen Logo - Scr file
•Dandanator EEprom Disk generator for CP/M 1.0 - Jar File - Executable (req: Java 8) - Upgrade your dandanator firmware to 6.4 or greater
•Dandanator EEprom Disk generator for CP/M 1.0 - Source code - Java FX @ GitHub
•Source/Compiled Code (6.6-6.9) Z80 ASM for Game Loader Menu (SJASMPlus)
•PIC Code (September, 22nd 2017) PIC16F1826 - Source Code and .HEX File
•PIC Code Late 2020 - Hex File. Multiply Ready
•Detailed document of native support for TAP Files (DanTap) by mad3001
•Romset - Aventuras AD Compilation, as authorized by Andrés Samudio, owner of the rights.
•Romset - Sword of Ianna, linked from Retroworks website.
•Romset - Castlevania Spectral Interlude, linked from the game website. Conversion by mad3001.
•Romset - The Mojon Twins : Mr.T Pretujao Collection. Collaboration between the Authors and Dandare. Load in Java as “custom file”
•MLD Castlevania Spectral Interlude - conversion by mad3001
•MLD Mighty Final Fight v1.2 - conversion by mad3001
•Ninja Gaiden - conversion, trainer & toastrack/grey fix by mad3001 - Authors of the conversion of the Tecmo game didn’t want this adaptation to dandanator, so link removed
•MLD Prince of Persia - conversion by mad3001
•MLD La Abadía del Crimen - conversion by mad3001
•MLD Chuckie Egg 2 - conversion by mad3001
•MLD Gauntlet - conversion by mad3001
•MLD Gauntlet Deeper Dungeons - conversion by mad3001
•MLD Abe’s Mission: Escape - conversion by Spirax
•MLD Bobby Carrot - conversion by Spirax
•MLD Rainbow Islands - conversion by Spirax
•MLD Lotus Esprit Turbo SE (48k) - conversion by Spirax
•MLD Lotus Esprit Turbo SE (128k) - conversion by Spirax
•MLD Pang - conversion by Spirax
•MLD Dragons Lair I - conversion by Spirax
•MLD Dragons Lair II - conversion by Spirax
•MLD Batman the Movie - conversion by Spirax
•MLD Batman Trilogy - conversion by Spirax
•MLD Aliens Neoplasma -conversion by Spirax
•MLD Sword of Ianna 48k-128k - conversion and recode by Spirax
•MLD Sword of Ianna (128k only) - conversion by Spirax
•MLD Marble Madness - conversion by mad3001
•MLD Shadow of the Unicorn - conversion by mad3001
•MLD OutRun - conversion by mad3001
•MLD Lode Runner 48K/128K - conversion and recode by mad3001
•MLD R-Type AY Music/FX - conversion by mad3001
•KiCad 4.0 Files for PCB 1.0 v2 - (Note: PP6N Box hole is misaligned, but can be corrected)
V2 PCB and 3D CASE
•Romset Creator v2.6.1 - Jar file - Requires Java 8
•USB Drivers link from the manufacturer - For windows, Mac & linux
•JED File for CPLD Programming - Updated version for 1.2, 1.3, 1.3b, 1.4 and 1.4b boards
•8BP Document (8 Bits de Poder) on how to make multiple phase games with Dandanator or DES (Spanish)