

  1. Rom Generator v10.4.3 - Jar File  - Executable (requires JRE8 or higher) - Upgrade your dandanator firmware by booting the speccy with both cart buttons pressed.

  2. Multiply - All source/binary files and manuals @GitHub

  3. Rom Generator - Source Code -  Java @ GitHub

  4. SCR Screen Logo - Scr file

  1. Dandanator EEprom Disk generator for CP/M 1.0 - Jar File - Executable (req: Java 8) - Upgrade your dandanator firmware to 6.4 or greater

  2. Dandanator EEprom Disk generator for CP/M 1.0 - Source code - Java FX @ GitHub

  1. Source/Compiled Code (6.6-6.9) Z80 ASM for Game Loader Menu (SJASMPlus)

  2. PIC Code  (September, 22nd 2017) PIC16F1826 - Source Code and .HEX File

  3. PIC Code Late 2020 - Hex File. Multiply Ready

  4. Detailed document of native support for TAP Files (DanTap) by mad3001

  5. Details for Slot 0 (Romset Data structure model)

  1. Romset - Aventuras AD Compilation, as authorized by Andrés Samudio, owner of the rights.

  2. Romset - Sword of Ianna, linked from Retroworks website.

  3. Romset - Castlevania Spectral Interlude, linked from the game website. Conversion by mad3001.

  4. Romset - The Mojon Twins : Mr.T Pretujao Collection. Collaboration between the Authors and Dandare. Load in Java as “custom file”

  1. MLD Castlevania Spectral Interlude - conversion by mad3001

  2. MLD Mighty Final Fight v1.2 - conversion by mad3001

  3. Ninja Gaiden - conversion, trainer & toastrack/grey fix by mad3001 - Authors of the conversion of the Tecmo game didn’t want this adaptation to dandanator, so link removed

  4. MLD Prince of Persia - conversion by mad3001

  5. MLD La Abadía del Crimen - conversion by mad3001

  6. MLD Chuckie Egg 2 - conversion by mad3001

  7. MLD Gauntlet - conversion by mad3001

  8. MLD Gauntlet Deeper Dungeons - conversion by mad3001

  9. MLD Abe’s Mission: Escape - conversion by Spirax

  10. MLD Bobby Carrot - conversion by Spirax

  11. MLD Rainbow Islands - conversion by Spirax

  12. MLD Lotus Esprit Turbo SE (48k) - conversion by Spirax

  13. MLD Lotus Esprit Turbo SE (128k) - conversion by Spirax

  14. MLD Pang - conversion by Spirax

  15. MLD Dragons Lair I - conversion by Spirax

  16. MLD Dragons Lair II - conversion by Spirax

  17. MLD Batman the Movie - conversion by Spirax

  18. MLD Batman Trilogy - conversion by Spirax

  19. MLD Aliens Neoplasma -conversion by Spirax

  20. MLD Sword of Ianna 48k-128k - conversion and recode by Spirax

  21. MLD Sword of Ianna (128k only) - conversion by Spirax

  22. MLD Marble Madness - conversion by mad3001

  23. MLD Shadow of the Unicorn - conversion by mad3001

  24. MLD OutRun - conversion by mad3001

  25. MLD Lode Runner 48K/128K - conversion and recode by mad3001

  26. MLD R-Type AY Music/FX - conversion by mad3001

        V1 PCB

  1. KiCad 4.0 Files for PCB 1.0 v2 - (Note: PP6N Box hole is misaligned, but can be corrected)

  2. PDF Schematics 1.0 v2

        V2 PCB and 3D CASE

  1. KiCad 4.0 files for PCB 2.1b

  2. Gerber Files for PCB 2.1b

  3. PDF Schematics 2.1b

  4. GAL equations (PLD/JED) 2.x

  5. 3D printer case design by Merlinkv

  1. Romset Creator v2.6.1 - Jar file - Requires Java 8

  2. USB Drivers link from the manufacturer - For windows, Mac & linux

  3. Mojon Twins compilation romset

  4. Sword of Ianna for CPC by Retroworks

  5. Test rom by McLeod

  6. Test rom by Noel Llopis (Default as of v2.5)

  1. Panelized Gerber files

  2. JED File for CPLD Programming - Updated version for 1.2, 1.3, 1.3b, 1.4 and 1.4b boards

  3. Development documentation

  4. 8BP Document (8 Bits de Poder) on how to make multiple phase games with Dandanator or DES (Spanish)

  5. ASM Sources for USB Romset Loader

  1. 3D Printer Case files (MrByte)

  2. 3D parts for mounting into a Supertronic PP6N box (overCLK)